Why We Do It

why we do ita. “Of the People, by the People, and for the People” is Being Overthrown by “We the Powerful”;

b. Radical District Attorneys are Ignoring the Law and allowing the rampant theft from businesses and other crimes to go unprosecuted and unpunished;

c. Our Borders are Being Invaded by drug and sex traffickers, non-citizens that demand our tax dollars to care for them, criminals who refuse to obey our laws, and a cadre of foreign individuals and groups who intend to destroy our country;

d. Parents are Being Denied their Rights to know what their children are being taught and to choose how and where they learn;

e. Our Economy is Being Devastated by runaway inflation caused by ludicrous government overspending and an unsustainable national debt;

f. Our Public Education System is Failing by replacing basic academic skills with polarizing gender ideologies and radical physical transitions that permanently mutilate our youth, encroach on sex-specific facilities, and destroy female sports.

g. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Mandates are Superseding Merit for career advancement, college admissions, or an award achieved through education, perseverance, innovation, and hard work.

h. Free and Fair Elections are Being Politically Manipulated and jeopardized by the refusal to enforce existing laws and legislate strengthened rules, regulations, and processes;

i. Fossil Fuel industries are Being Decimated and preventing America's energy independence;

j. Our Justice System is Being Weaponized against Conservative politicians, candidates, and individuals while ignoring the blatant corruption of others.