2024 Elections/Ballot Measures

By gathering the required number of valid signatures, Arizona Citizens have the constitutional right to recall a public official and place an Initiative or a Referendum on the ballot.

2024 Ballot measures

The person or organization putting forward the ballot measure must file signatures on a petition with the Arizona Secretary of State’s Office at least four months (July 6, 2024) before the next general election If enough valid signatures are submitted, the proposed statutory (law) or constitutional amendment will be placed on the next general election ballot (November 5, 2024).

A “yes” vote is a vote for enacting a new law or constitutional amendment and requires 50% +1 of the votes cast to pass.

A “no” vote is a vote for retaining existing law.

Referendum Petitions require 127,975 valid signatures.

For an initiative to appear on the November 6, 2024 General Election Ballot all Initiative petitions must be filed by July 3, 2024.

The best way to defeat a bad Initiative, Referendum
or Recall is to keep it off the ballot

Ballot measures

100 Series - Arizona Constitutional Amendments

Legislative Referrals

Either chamber of the Arizona State Legislature is allowed to propose a constitutional amendment. A majority of members of both chambers must approve it to be placed on the ballot.


  1. The Arizona Emergency Declarations Amendment (PDF)
    Allows the state legislature to terminate a state of emergency declared by the governor or alter the emergency powers granted to the governor during a state of emergency.
  2. Arizona Require Partisan Primaries and Prohibit Primaries Where Candidates Compete Regardless of Party Affiliation Amendment (PDF) (File Name – Direct Primary - HCR2033)
    Requires partisan primaries and prohibits Jungle Primaries*. As an amendment to the Arizona Constitution, it prevents any future changes without another constitutional amendment. It also provides that the state's direct primary election law supersedes local charters and ordinances that are inconsistent with that law.
  3. Arizona Signature Distribution Requirement for Initiatives Amendment (PDF) (File Name – Signature Requirements – SCR1015)
    Requires signatures from 10% of votes cast for governor in each legislative district (rather than statewide) to qualify initiated state statutes for the ballot, and 15% of votes cast for governor in each legislative district (rather than statewide) to qualify initiated constitutional amendments for the ballot.
  4. Requirement to Approve Constitutional Amendments Measure (Pending AZ House Approval)
    Any proposed amendment to the Arizona Constitution requires approval by 60% of all registered voters in the State of Arizona, rather than 50% +1 of all the votes cast for the measure.

100 Series - Arizona Constitutional Amendments

Citizen Proposed Amendments to the Arizona Constitution

Valid signatures are currently being collected by circulators from qualified electors. 15% (383,923) of the votes cast for governor in the 2022 election are required to place a proposed constitutional amendment on the ballot


  1. Arizona Abortion Access Act (PDF)
    Changes existing Arizona abortion law from 15 weeks to the point of fetal viability (generally considered to be around 23 to 24 weeks) and beyond in some cases.
  2. Better Ballot Arizona (PDF)
    Known as Rank Choice Voting (RCV) the measure would replace partisan primaries with a system in which all candidates appear on one primary ballot. Candidates are systematically eliminated and five vote-getters advance to the general election.
  3. Make Elections Fair Arizona (PDF)
    All candidates appear on a single nonpartisan primary ballot. Two to five candidates advance to the general election (similar to RCV).
  4. Statewide Salary Schedule for Arizona's K-12 Public Educators (PDF)
    Mandates a statewide salary schedule for all Arizona K-12 public educators regardless of a district’s ability to pay.
  5. The Debra Driscoll Amendment to the Arizona Constitution (PDF)
    All requests for compensation in conservatorship/guardianship actions require a written acceptance by a prioritized entity.

200 Series - Statutory Measures

Better handled as a statute rather than a Constitutional Amendment

Citizen Proposed Amendments

Valid signatures are currently being collected by circulators from qualified electors equal to 10% (255,949) of votes cast for governor in the 2022 election are required to place a proposed statutory measure on the ballot.


  1. Public Education Monies for Public Good (PDF)
    Eliminates the school choice voucher program.
  2. Arizona Works Together (PDF)
    Eliminates Right to Work
  3. New Day in Politics (PDF)
    Forces randomizing the order of candidates on a ballot making it difficult to determine party affiliation
  4. Raise the Wage Arizona (PDF)
    Raises the state minimum wage to $18 per hour.
  5. Property Protection Initiative (PDF)
    Prevents any government agency for changing or altering the zoning on owned land without the land owner initiating the change.

300 Series - Legislative Referrals for Statutory Measures


Prop 311 - Arizona Criminal Conviction Fee for First Responder Death Financial Benefit Amendment (PDF)

  • Increases criminal felony penalties for physically assaulting a First Responder – Police, Fire, EMP, Border Patrol, Correctional Officer, and National Guard.
  • Increases the death benefits for the family of a First Responder killed in the line of duty.
  • Paid for by a 2 percent surcharge on criminal and civil penalties and fines.
  • https://www.backtheblue.vote/

400 Series - County/Local Measures


Prop 400 (SB1102 Legislative Referral) (PDF)

  • Extends the Maricopa County transportation excise tax for another 20 years. 40.5% of the funds collected would be allocated to freeways and highways, 37% to public transit and 22.5% to roads and intersections.



Recall Katie Hobbs (639,872 signatures required) (PDF)
A new election for the state’s governor would be conducted as part of the November 5, 2024 General Election. www.firehobbs.com