Become a Precinct Committeeman

What is a PC?

A Precinct Committeeman (PC) is the official representative of the Republican Party in Festival Ranch. They are the primary contact between our neighbors, candidates, and elected officials. It is their job to make sure Republicans and Independents in our four voting precincts are well-informed and confidently cast their vote.

There are currently 29 PCs allocated for the combined four precincts of Festival Ranch. Each has a tremendous influence on the Republican Party and Grassroots activities in our State, County, Legislative Districts, and Community. For example, PCs also elect our county and state Republican Party leaders.

Precinct Committeemen are elected every two years during the Primary Election by the voters in our precinct(s). Between elections, a PC may be appointed by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors upon the recommendation of Maricopa County Republican Committee and the LD25 Chairman.

Find Your PCs

PC Mission

Deliver the Maximum Number of Republican Votes in an Election.

PC Activities
It's a numbers race

Become a poll worker or watcher

“The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”

` Joseph Stalin