2024 Elections Overview

AZ Presidential Preference Election (PPE) - March 19, 2024

The Presidential Preference Election (PPE), is a partisan election in which only voters of a specific party may vote on that party's ballot. You MUST be a registered Republican to vote in the Republican PPE. If you are registered as an Independent or a Party not Designated (PND) and want to choose who you would like to be the Republican presidential candidate in the November 2024 General Election, you MUST update your Party designation to Republican.

Register/Check Registration

Thomas Jefferson quote

Arizona Open Primary Election – July 30, 2024

  1. Unlike the PPE, Arizona's open primary law allows any voter who is registered as an "Independent" or "Party Not Designated" (PND) to cast a ballot for one of the officially recognized political parties. For example, if you are registered as an Independent or a PND, you can choose either the Republican ballot, the Democratic, or any other party ballot that might be available.
  2. Candidates who are seeking office must qualify to appear on the Arizona Open Primary ballot as a Party candidate. They must submit valid nomination documents and sufficient petition signatures by April 1, 2024. The number of signatures needed to qualify is dependent on the office being sought. They then must successfully defend against any nomination challenge(s) filed in court.
  3. The winners of the July primary election become their party’s nominee and appear on the ballot for the November General Election.

Nationwide General Election – November 5, 2024
